Monday, July 5, 2010

Holiness Protects Ethics

Luke Ford writes:

In his 2004 lecture on Deuteronomy 14, Dennis Prager says: “There’s a tacit agreement in Jewish life between the observant and the non-observant — we both agree that the laws have no meaning.”

“It is a pain in my life because I so believe in Judaism and in the Torah that Judaism has become in certain areas so irrational.”

“The priests are in charge of the temple. They are the priests of Israel. You can’t qualify for it. You have to be born into it. It’s a terrific thing or otherwise there would be bribery and who knows what. There’s no politics. You can’t run for priest.”

Jacob Milgrom: “As God has restricted his choice of the nations to Israel, so must Israel restrict its choice of edible animals to the few sanctioned by God.”

Dennis: “Democracy is good for running a nation, but God does not run the world by democracy.”

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